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The Metabolic Miracle - Dr. Carlos Jaramillo | PlanetadeLibros
eBook (Epub 2)
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The Metabolic Miracle

Editorial: Planeta
Temática: Estilo de vida
País de publicación: México

Sinopsis de The Metabolic Miracle:

We all like to eat, but we are doing it wrong, and it gets worse every day. Deceived by the food industry, advertising, culinary fake news, and Aunt Bertha’s nutrition advice, with every bite we are making nefarious decisions that steal our energy and make us both ill and fat. How can we stop this cycle? Who should we believe? How can we change our habits without becoming rigid and boring?

In this book, renowned doctor Carlos Jaramillo offers robust answers to these questions and states that the key to optimal weight and health is our metabolism. Understanding what it is, how it operates, and what we can do to make it work in our favor is fundamental. And it is what the reader will accomplish on these pages.

eBook (Epub 2)
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Sobre el autor de The Metabolic Miracle

Foto solapa© Ricardo Pinzón, fotógrafo

El Dr. Carlos Jaramillo es médico de la Universidad de La Sabana y del Instituto de Medicina Funcional (IFM) en Estados Unidos. Tiene especialidades en Antiedad (A4M) y Fisiología y Bioquímica Clínica (Universidad de Harvard). Inició su camino en la nutrición de la mano de Stanley Dudrick, quien fuera su maestro en el programa de Nutrición Clínica e Hiperalimentación en la Universidad de Yale.

Es fundador del Instituto de Medicina Funcional e...

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Conoce más sobre The Metabolic Miracle

With humor, science, and simplicity, The Metabolic Miracle narrates the tragical story of a world that promotes consuming milk -a drink that adults should not be drinking-, satanizes fat -a big mistake- and promotes sugar shamelessly -the most dangerous poison in the world-. In the face of a similar scenario, the only way out is that everyone decides to take charge of their well-being and remembers that the best medicine is at home: the foods that one chooses daily and that have the miraculous power to heal.

Ficha técnica

Fecha de publicación: 18/03/2022 | Idioma: Inglés | ISBN: 978-607-07-8549-8 | Código: 10295195 | Presentación: Epub 2 | Sentido de lectura: Occidental

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