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Una vida, muchas vidas | PlanetadeLibros | Foreign Rights
One life, many lives
Original title: Una vida, muchas vidas
Gustavo Petro
Category: Non-Fiction

One life, many lives

Original title: Una vida, muchas vidas

Gustavo Petro

Category: Non-Fiction

This book was on the 2022 Bestsellers List published by the Colombian newspaper La República.

After graduating from high school as one of the top-scoring students in the national exams, Gustavo Petro started studying Economics at Externado University... but not for long. In 1974, the M-19 guerrilla movement was founded and their campaign recruiting youngsters brought results.

Between 1978 and 1990, Gustavo became a soldier with M-19 and acquired a new identity: Commander Aureliano (later Andrés, when he was undercover). After signing the peace agreement with Colombian President Virgilio
Barco (1986-1990), the political party M-19 took part in the writing of the new Political Constitution of 1991.

Before joining M-19 and being in the public eye, three cities marked Gustavo Petro’s life: Ciénaga de Oro, his birthplace; Bogotá, where he moved with this family at age four; and Zipaquirá, where he studied at the Liceo Nacional, the school where Nobel Prize in Literature Gabriel García Márquez also studied. This is the life story of a guerrilla who became a congressman, then the mayor of Bogotá, and then led his opposition party in a politically conservative nation to become the current leftist President of Colombia.

Technical data

Publishing date: | 344 pages | ISBN: 978-607-07-9246-5 | Imprint: Editorial Planeta