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Querido cerebro, ¿qué diablos quieres de mí? | PlanetadeLibros | Foreign Rights
Dear Brain, What the Hell Do You Want from Me?
Original title: Querido cerebro, ¿qué diablos quieres de mí?
Category: Non-Fiction

Dear Brain, What the Hell Do You Want from Me?

Original title: Querido cerebro, ¿qué diablos quieres de mí?
Category: Non-Fiction

With much humor, this book aims to pierce your beliefs to get you to see that, while sometimes things may happen to you that aren’t your fault, other times you can be an active part of the solution. Sometimes the only way to wake up and change is to face what you like least about yourself.

The psychologist Lorena Gascón, better known as @lapsicologajaputa, helps you to understand why things happen to you and how to better accept what you feel, to learn to solve your problems and understand your brain. Knowing how this organ works is the best strategy to ally yourself with it, block negative thoughts and live at ease with yourself.

Technical data

Publishing date: | 208 pages | ISBN: 978-607-39-0761-3 | Imprint: Diana

Other titles of the author