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Por si las voces vuelven | PlanetadeLibros | Foreign Rights
In Case the Voices Return
Original title: Por si las voces vuelven
Category: Non-Fiction | Self-help

In Case the Voices Return

Original title: Por si las voces vuelven
Category: Non-Fiction | Self-help

In Case the Voices Return is a powerful book that offers readers an unabashed testimony about an uncomfortable reality: mental disorders.

A few years ago Ángel Martín broke down completely. So much so that they had to tie him to the bed of a psychiatric hospital to prevent him from being able to hurt himself. In 2017, the comedian had to be admitted for a psychotic episode. He had previously seen himself at the controls of a spaceship, wanted to fly and conversed with death, defying it. “I have no idea when my madness began to form. Maybe I was born genetically predisposed. Maybe I was macerating a depression by keeping certain things to myself so as not to worry others. Or maybe there are simply brains that one night crack and that’s it,” confesses the author.

Technical data

Publishing date: | 256 pages | ISBN: 978-607-07-9278-6 | Imprint: Editorial Planeta

Other titles of the author