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Para qué | PlanetadeLibros | Foreign Rights
What's it all for?
Original title: Para qué
Mauricio Macri
Category: Non-Fiction

What's it all for?

Original title: Para qué

Mauricio Macri

Category: Non-Fiction

In August 1991 and at the age of 32, Mauricio Macri was kidnapped. Stripped, hand-cuffed, and blindfolded, he was taken by van to a dark room with a mattress on the floor. Every day, the kidnappers opened a 10 cm hole to deliver some supplies like food, a radio, and a video camera on which to record the videos that would prove to his family that he was alive.

While in captivity, Mauricio noticed that two men watched him day and night. One of them decided to rename Mauricio ‘Mario’. In return, Mauricio (that is, ‘Mario’) called his kidnapper Mario, too. Both kidnapper and hostage had frequent chats in which Mauricio discovered that they had several things in common, like being fans of the same soccer team: Boca Juniors. Before the kidnapping, Mauricio had dreamed of becoming the president of Boca Juniors. He promised himself that if he was ever set free, he would work to reach his goal.

Technical data

Publishing date: | 264 pages | ISBN: 978-950-49-7886-2 | Imprint: Editorial Planeta