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La buena suerte | PlanetadeLibros | Foreign Rights
Good Luck
Original title: La buena suerte
Álex Rovira
Category: Non-Fiction | Self-help

Good Luck

Original title: La buena suerte

Álex Rovira

Category: Non-Fiction | Self-help

This book about the ability of people to forge their own destinies is more valid than ever.

A long time ago, in a distant kingdom, Merlin summoned all the knights and told them: “I have found out that in the Enchanted Forest, seven nights from now, the Magic Clover will be born. It is a unique clover with four leaves that will give unlimited luck to whoever possesses it.” But the knights know that finding a tiny clover in so large a forest would be like finding a needle in a haystack. Who will accept the challenge to depart for the Enchanted Forest in search of the Magic Clover?

Technical data

Publishing date: | 128 pages | ISBN: 978-607-569-580-8 | Imprint: Booket

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