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El arte japonés de curar heridas emocionales: Kintsukuroi | PlanetadeLibros | Foreign Rights
Original title: El arte japonés de curar heridas emocionales: Kintsukuroi
Category: Non-Fiction | Self-help
Category: Non-Fiction | Psychology


Original title: El arte japonés de curar heridas emocionales: Kintsukuroi
Category: Non-Fiction | Self-help
Category: Non-Fiction | Psychology

Kintsukuroi is the Japanese art of putting broken things back together.

When a ceramic pot breaks, kintsukuroi masters repair it by filling the cracks with gold or silver, thus emphasizing the reconstruction because a rebuilt piece is a symbol of fragility but also strength and beauty.

In this book, Tomás Navarro teaches us how to apply this art to our lives, providing us with all the tools we need to overcome adversity like a true kintsukuroi master.

Highlights Kinstukuroi


An inspiring guide that teaches us how adversity can be an opportunity to make us into stronger, better people.

Rights sold

Saraiva Educação (Brazil), Znasti (Bulgaria), Nakladatelstvi Leda (Czech Republic), Planetopija (Croatia), La Martinière (France), Kösel Verlag (Germany), HGV (Hungary), Mahaka Publishing (Indonesia), Giunti Editore (Italy), Zvaigzne (Letonia), Obuolys (Lithuania), Matica Makedonska (Macedonia), Muza (Poland), Materia Prima Ediçoes (Portugal), Prestige (Romania), Eksmo Publishing (Russia), Blum (Serbia), Citadella (Slovakia), Azoth (Taiwan), Mono Generation (Thailand), Xander Uitgevers (The Netherlands), Hodder Stoughton (UK), Salon Yayinlari (Turkey), Vietnam Az Communication and Culture (Vietnam), Datang Publishing House (China).

Technical data

Publishing date: | 272 pages | ISBN: 978-607-07-4377-1 | Imprint: Diana

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