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Aprende a cuidar de tu niño interior | PlanetadeLibros | Foreign Rights
Learning how to look after your inner child
Original title: Aprende a cuidar de tu niño interior
Category: Non-Fiction

Learning how to look after your inner child

Original title: Aprende a cuidar de tu niño interior
Category: Non-Fiction

Heal, protect and look after your inner child in order to reach a fully functional adulthood.

An empowering book written with a didactic and kind style, based on the humanist perspective of the Gestalt therapy, and delivered by a renowned psychologist.

Jordi Gil Martín, a psychologist and psychotherapist, delivers his method to heal the dormant wounds of childhood that continue affecting us during our adult life. There is a common understanding of the critical role that our first years of life play in our adulthood. How we are, what we think and feel, and how we act is largely determined by our crucial first years, hence the significance of conducting a work of introspection and awareness destined to address the wounds we carry within. Jordi Gil offers his expertise to become a guide of what he calls our “mission in life.”   In his long experience as a therapist, Gil has been tracking how the happiness of adults is often conditioned by the side effects inflicted by our childhood wounds.

Throughout this essay we will find out the importance of healing, protecting, sheltering and looking after our inner child. It is necessary to reconnect with the magic of our early years and inhabit a place of inner strength. If we pay the necessary attention to our childhood wounds we can manage to put an end to the chronic damage that hinders us, bogs us down and stops our way to happiness. Through simple and reader-friendly exercises, Jordi Gil proves that there is room to recover from these childhood wounds, live with greater harmony, fully develop our potential and even perform parenting with a higher level of awareness.

Which are the benefits of this book? The Canadian psychiatrist Éric Berne, the therapist who coined and founded the transactional analysis, a discipline mentioned twice in this guide, wrote that our inner operates on immediate impulses and towards the attainment of desires. Its shortcomings and needs dictate the script of our adult life, therefore identifying it and taking care of it will allow us to change the story of our life. I’m grateful to the author for providing us with such an important tool in the shape of a book. (Francesc Miralles.)

You may wonder why I have written this book. In my work as a therapist, I see very often the side effects of childhood wounds conditioning the happiness of adults. My own childhood dictated the course of my life for years, and only through awareness and the support of different allies, have I managed to transform my inner child pain into personal abundance, letting me not only enjoy my life, but help out my patients.

This is the transformation that I want to convey to the readers of this book. In order to do that we are going to work, among other subjects, on how to heal, protect, shelter and care for our inner child. Reconnecting with the child magic before the wound. Inhabit a place of inner strength beyond our original parents; retrieve our freedom beyond our childhood memories. To turn parenting into a work of awareness, which implies that the parents must work with their inner child to avoid transmitting traumatic sequels to their children.

The main goal is to stop being wounded kids in order to live our existence to the fullest.

Technical data

Publishing date: | 224 pages | ISBN: 978-607-39-0483-4 | Imprint: Diana