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La vida secreta de los fantasmas | PlanetadeLibros | Foreign Rights
The Secret Life Of Ghosts
Original title: La vida secreta de los fantasmas
María Leach
Category: Illustration

The Secret Life Of Ghosts

Original title: La vida secreta de los fantasmas

María Leach

Category: Illustration

What happens after death? Do we become spirits? What is the afterlife like?

Human beings have been asking these questions since ancient times and the answers have always led them down the same path: although inexplicable, there is something else out there. And somehow, this another dimension is related to ghosts.

As the origin of popular traditions and terrifying stories, and the tireless object of scientific and paranormal research, ghosts are a reflection of our beliefs, values, and fears. The History of the world, after reading this book, cannot be explained without them.

Bloody Mary, Popopawa, Hanako Sang, La Llorona... are some of the legends revisited through Berta Llonch’s gothic and dark style, and by María Leach’s narrative voice.

Technical data

Publishing date: | 128 pages | ISBN: 978-84-19875-20-4 | Imprint: Lunwerg Editores

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