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Pequeño bastardo | PlanetadeLibros | Foreign Rights
Little bastard
Original title: Pequeño bastardo
Richard Parra
Category: Fiction

Little bastard

Original title: Pequeño bastardo

Richard Parra

Category: Fiction

This book is a documentary political novel, a decadent and superficial pop story, a mutilated memoir about migration, war, heartbreak and childhood, all at the same time. It is a pastiche of texts that juxtaposes tragedy and humor, commitment and disillusionment, idealism and cynicism.

Little Bastard is a story that grows exponentially from its main characters, Charly and Sybila, to include stories of numerous and seemingly inconsequential secondary characters, including: Pujarraco, a street urchin who will become the leader of a gang; the police officer in charge of cracking down on the teachers’ strikes; a young woman whose father has always shunned her for being a “bastard”; and a child-abusing priest who gets what he deserves.

Technical data

Publishing date: | 1 pages | ISBN: 978-612-4379-70-3 | Imprint: Seix Barral