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La grieta | PlanetadeLibros | Foreign Rights
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The Rift
Original title: La grieta
Catalina Infante
Category: Fiction

The Rift

Original title: La grieta

Catalina Infante

Category: Fiction

This novel is a profound reflection on what it means to be mothers and daughters and the threads we weave through the generations.

“What do I know about being a mother? Absolutely nothing,” thinks the protagonist of this novel upon feeling herself small in the presence of her newborn daughter. Lost in the maelstrom of her first experience of motherhood, Laura will reconstruct postcard by postcard her relationship with Esther, the mother whose absence has left an indelible mark on her life. “I think motherhood is scary and it’s never quite what we were told it would be.

The world tells itself one story and only we mothers know the other story.” (Carolina Brown).

Technical data

Publishing date: | 148 pages | ISBN: 978-956-9956-67-6 | Imprint: Emecé Editores