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Cuentos para minichefs | PlanetadeLibros | Foreign Rights
Stories for mini chefs
Original title: Cuentos para minichefs

Stories for mini chefs

Original title: Cuentos para minichefs

Five stories that will have you reading and cooking with your little ones all year long

Bruno, Lola, and Chloe are three siblings who love to cook with Alma, their mother who is also a baker. Follow their daily adventures and discover how they prepare to celebrate a birthday, the summer holidays, the return to school, Halloween, and Christmas. 

Alma Obregón presents five stories with five delicious, sugar free recipes to prepare as a family that will get children enjoying cooking from a young age. In each story you can find a delicious, sugar free recipe: 

• Birthday cake
• Fruit ice creams
• Apple pancakes
• Pumpkin cake
• Christmas biscuits
• Plus, tips for cooking with little ones!

A book that will help you get the most out of cooking as a family

Technical data

Publishing date: | 72 pages | ISBN: 978-84-08-28869-5 | Imprint: Timun Mas Infantil